【Reebok One Series】GX 50 滑步機 黑紅.....原來都是偷偷在健身!

【Reebok One Series】GX 50 滑步機 黑紅難怪JoJo愛吃美食都不胖

JoJo公司裡的吃貨,哪裡有好吃好買的一定跑第一,工作忙碌根本沒時間上健身房,放假與下班一定要吃美食,JoJo說吃美食是人生一大樂事,也是生活與工作的動力,但也要舒壓與保持身材 除了游泳與固定健走 【Reebok One Series】GX 50 滑步機 黑紅是JoJo減壓與保持身材的祕密 【Reebok One Series】GX 50 滑步機 黑紅JoJo胖了不只是會顯老也會變懶惰喔!一定要養成固定的好習慣,再忙再累都要吃美食,都要紓壓與運動~~是JoJo的名言喔~~


享受美食不傷荷包: 趕快17life團購網,超低價就能買到超值的美食卷,再慢就搶不到了!限時限量的團購卷.....



  • 品號:3290533

  • 23種訓練模組
  • 32段阻力變化
  • 飛輪重量 9 公斤

The Reebok GX50 Cross Trainer has all the features you need for an excellent cardiovascular workout to benefit both your upper and lower body without impacting your joints. The GX50 Cross Trainer offers a unique workout platform in that you can alter the intensity of your upper or lower body workout through the use of the fixed or action handlebars. Pull the handles to work your upper body or push hard on the footplates to activate your leg muscles for an excellent lower body workout.


Reebok GX50滑步機擁有完整的功能幫助您訓練你的心肺功能,同時可以訓練到全身的肌肉又不會傷害你的關節。GX50滑步機提供了一個獨特的鍛鍊平台,您可以透過使用固定或調整跑步機的把手來改變你上下半身的鍛煉的強度。

The 32 resistance levels, 23 individual console programmes, user profiles and heart rate control can all be managed easily and efficiently through the large, bright LCD display screen which also provides all the necessary user feedback options including speed, time, distance, calories and pulse.


The Reebok GX50 Cross Trainer has an excellent 15" stride length, non-slip adjustable footplates and a heavy 9kg flywheel to provide an ultra-smooth motion for every workout session. To keep you working out for longer, the Reebok GX50 Cross Trainer includes a water bottle holder to help keep you hydrated, and a built in phone/MP3 holder to keep you moving to your favourite tracks.

Reebok GX50交叉訓練滑步機搭配15吋防滑的踏配,以及可調整的9公斤飛輪,提供您更順暢的運動環境。另外我們也設計了水壺架,幫助你補充保的水分,並且內置手機/ MP3支架,讓您可以一邊運動一邊聽您喜歡的音樂。

.....【Reebok One Series】GX 50 滑步機 黑紅

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